Sunday, October 19, 2008
Pushups-close triceps position
Kneel down on the floor and place your hands flat on the floor, closer than shoulder width apart. With your shoulders directly over your hands, straighten your arms. Move your feet back, placing your toes on the floor, so that your knees are off the floor and your legs are straight. At this point, your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Your body should remain straight throughout this exercise. Keep your head and neck in line with your body so that your are looking down toward the floor. In a controlled fashion, lower your body down toward the floor, bending your elbows, until your body is nearly touching the floor. Now, push your body up away from the floor, straightening your arms, until you have returned to the starting position. If you need to reduce the intensity of this exercise you can perform the pushups from your knees instead of from your toes
Dumbell Shrug
Stand straight up with your feet at shoulder width. Hold two dumbbells with your arms hanging at your sides. Droop shoulders down as far as possible. Raise shoulders up as far as you can go. Then slowly return to the starting position. You can also rotate your shoulders by going up in a circular motion from front to rear and then back down. Can also be done holding a barbell instead
Reach up and grab the bar with a firm overhand grip. Your hands should be roughly twice your shoulder width apart. This helps work more of your lats, rather than your biceps. Straighten your arms and let your body hang from the bar. You can keep your legs straight or bend your knees and cross your feet. Slowly pull your body up to the bar so that the top of your chest nearly touches the bar and your chin is over the bar. Try to keep your body straight without arching or swinging. As you move upwards, focus on pulling your elbows down at an angle toward your rib cage. Once your lats have completely contracted at the top, slowly lower your body to the starting position. A spotter can lift your legs slightly if you need help on the last few reps. You can also add weight by using a special Dip Belt
Gorilla Crunch
Hang from a chinning bar with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle and your hands about 12 inches apart with an underhand grip. Pull yourself up with your arms and crunch your knees up at the same time. You should finish the chin and crunch at the same time. When fully contracted, your note will be at the bar and your knees will be pulled up to your chest. Slowly reverse the movement and return to the starting position. You can also do this with a dumbbell or medicine ball between your feet or with a weight attached to a dip belt around your waist. When you have mastered this, try hanging from only one arm and grasp your wrist with your free hand. This works more of your obliques
Friday, October 10, 2008
Dumbbell Lunges
Hold a dumbbell in each hand and pull your shoulders back. Lift your chest up and look straight ahead. Position your right leg forward in a long stride. Your foot should be far enough in front of you so that when you bend your right knee, your thigh and lower leg form a right angle. Slowly bend your knees, lowering your hips so your rear knee just clears the floor. Pause briefly in this position, then slowly straighten your legs and raise your body back up to a standing position. Complete a full set, then switch legs and repeat, or alternate legs for each rep. Make sure your knee does NOT travel past your toes in the down position
Dumbbell Squat
Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart with your toes and knees slightly pointing outward. Hold dumbbells in your hands with your arms at your sides. Keep your back straight and your head up. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Slowly return to the starting position. Can also be done with a barbell on your back instead of dumbbells
Push-Ups With Feet On An Exercise Ball
This is just like the normal Pushups but you put your lower shins on an exercise ball. This causes you to use more of your stabilizer muscles and gives you a better overall workout
Kneel down on the floor and place your hands flat on the floor and slightly wider than shoulder width apart. With your shoulders directly over your hands, straighten your arms. Move your feet back, placing your toes on the floor, so that your knees are off the floor and your legs are straight. At this point, your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Your body should remain straight throughout this exercise. Keep your head and neck in line with your body so that your are looking down toward the floor. This is the starting position. In a controlled fashion, lower your body down toward the floor, bending your elbows, until your body is nearly touching the floor. Now, push your body up away from the floor, straightening your arms, until you have returned to the starting position. If you need to reduce the intensity of this exercise you can perform the pushup from your knees.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Zottman Curl
Hold two dumbbells at arm's length and stand straight up. Turn your palms up and curl both dumbbells up toward your shoulder. Keep your upper arms against your side at all times! When you reach the top, rotate your wrists so that your palm faces almost straight down. Your thumb will be a little higher than your pinky. Go back to the starting position and repeat. You can also do these one arm at a time alternately or over a preacher bench
Zottman Preacher Curl
Hold one dumbbell and position your upper arm on a preacher bench. Turn your palm up and curl the dumbbell up toward your shoulder. Keep your upper arm flat against the bench at all time! When you reach the top, rotate your wrist so that your palm faces almost straight down. Your thumb will be a little higher than your pinky. Go back to the starting position and repeat. You can also do these standing up
Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl
Stand straight up, with your head up and your legs straight. Start with the dumbbells at arm's length with your palms facing in. Curl dumbbells up at the same time, twising your wrists on the way up. Your palms should be facing up when you are at the end of the movement. Do NOT swing and do NOT move your elbows. They should stay in the same place during the whole movement. Keep your arms close to your side. This one is easy to cheat on... so don't do it! You can also do this with a barbell, or by alternating one hande at a time
Here for alternate bicep curl, you alternate each hand, curling one dumbbell at a time.
Here for alternate bicep curl, you alternate each hand, curling one dumbbell at a time.
Dumbbell Bicep Curl
Stand straight up, with your head up and your legs straight. Start with the dumbbells at arm's length with your palms facing in. Curl dumbbells up at the same time, twising your wrists on the way up. Your palms should be facing up when you are at the end of the movement. Do NOT swing and do NOT move your elbows. They should stay in the same place during the whole movement. Keep your arms close to your side. This one is easy to cheat on... so don't do it! You can also do this with a barbell, or by alternating one hande at a time
Lying Face-Up Place Neck Resistance
Lie on your back with your shoulders about even with the end of the bench. Place a flat barbell plate on your forehead and hold in place with your hands. Raise your head in a semicircular motion as far as comfortable. Return to starting position slowly.
Lying Face Down Plate Neck Resistance
Lie face down with shoulders about even with the end of a flat bench. Place a barbell plate on the back of your head and hold it in place with your hands. Raise head up and back in a semicircular motion as far as comfortable. Return to starting position.
Isometric Neck Exercise
You can perform this exercise seated or standing. Place your head and neck in a neutral position. Place both your left hand on the on the left side of your head and gently push for the required number of seconds on your workout. Resist any movement of your head by "isometrically" contracting your neck muscles. Repeat with your right hand on the right side of your head. This is an excellent way to strengthen your neck muscles with minimal risk of injury. Can also be done on the front and back of the head.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Ball Bridge
Side Body Bridge
Body Bridge
1 Start in the pushup position, using your forearms instead of your palms
2 Make sure your body is straight
3 It sounds easy but maintain the position for 2-3 mins
4 Advanced challenge: Maintain for 5-8 mins and go 3 sets of it. Enormous fat burn
even if the pic doesn’t look it, my abs are high enough to feel this drill.
*EXTREME Body Toning + Fat Burning, Primarily flattens your stomach.*
Horse Stance + Turning Punches
1 Start in the above position, make sure your back is straight as your butt sinks down
2 Punch while turning your hips
3 Make sure the punches are of moderate + high speed and going straight without getting your shoulder extended
4 Exhale hard while punching
5 Not necessarily suitable for obese people, sink in only as deep as you can
*EXTREME Fat Burning + Muscle gain + Moderate Cardio*
Acrobat/ Chakrasana
1 Start this exercise with your knees slightly bent and your elbows too as you lie on the ground
2 Push yourself up
3 Take Deep breaths
4 Advanced: Try to Bring your arms and legs as close as you can
5 Advanced 2: Try to move around in this position like a crab
*Fat burning + Muscle lengthening and toning*
Hindu Pushup/Suryanamaskar
1 Start with the position shown in the picture
2 As you go down, concentrate on your body, the muscles worked, squeeze each muscle
3 As you come back, stretch your back, your butt and your thighs as you push behind to get to the initial position.
4 Keep very deep breaths throughout this exercise* Muscle Gain + Fat burning*
Modified plank variations
Try these variations on the modified plank:
• Lie on your stomach. Raise yourself up so that you're resting on your forearms and your knees. Align your head and neck with your back, and place your shoulders directly above your elbows. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
• Raise your right arm off the floor (A). Hold for three deep breaths. Repeat with your left arm.
• Raise your right leg off the floor (B). Hold for three deep breaths. Repeat with your left leg.
• For added challenge, raise your left arm and your right leg at the same time. Repeat with your right arm and left leg.
Modified plank
This core exercise is called the modified plank:
• Lie on your stomach. Raise yourself up so that you're resting on your forearms and your knees. Align your head and neck with your back, and place your shoulders directly above your elbows. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
• Create resistance by pressing your elbows and your knees toward one another. Neither should move from their positions on the floor. Hold for three deep breaths.
• Return to the start position and repeat.
This core exercise is called the quadruped:
• Start on your hands and knees. Place your hands directly below your shoulders, and align your head and neck with your back (A). Tighten your abdominal muscles.
• Raise your right arm off the floor and reach ahead (B). Hold for three deep breaths. Lower your right arm and repeat with your left arm.
• Raise your right leg off the floor (C). Tighten your trunk muscles for balance. Hold for three deep breaths. Lower your right leg and repeat with your left leg.
• For added challenge, raise your left arm and your right leg at the same time (D). Repeat with your right arm and left leg.
Double-leg abdominal press
Double-leg abdominal press variations
To work your core muscles more completely, try variations of the double-leg abdominal press:
• Opposite hands on opposite knees. Place each hand on the opposite knee, toward the inside of the knee (A). Your arms will cross over each other. Push your hands against your knees while pulling your knees toward your hands. Hold for three deep breaths. Repeat.
• Hands on outside of knees. Place your hands along the sides of your knees (B). Use your hands to push your knees inward. At the same time, create resistance by pushing your knees away from the center. Hold for three deep breaths. Repeat
Double-leg abdominal press
Double-leg abdominal press
When you're comfortable with the single-leg abdominal press, try the double-leg abdominal press:
• Lie on your back with your knees bent (A). Keep your back in a neutral position, not arched and not pressed into the floor. Avoid tilting your hips. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
• Raise your legs off the floor one at a time so that your knees and hips are bent at 90-degree angles. Rest your hands on top of your knees (B).
• Push your hands against your knees while using your abdominal muscles to pull your knees toward your hands. Keep your arms straight. Hold for three deep breaths.
• Return to the start position and repeat
Single-leg abdominal press
Single-leg abdominal press variations
To work your core muscles more completely, try variations of the single-leg abdominal press:
• Opposite hand on opposite knee. Push your right hand against your left knee while pulling your knee toward your hand (A). You'll be pushing and pulling across the center of your body. Hold for three deep breaths. Repeat using your other hand and leg.
• Hand on outside of knee. Place your left hand along the side of your left knee (B). Use your hand to push your leg inward. At the same time, create resistance by pushing your knee away from the center. Hold for three deep breaths. Repeat using your other hand and leg.
Single-leg abdominal press
The single-leg abdominal press is another popular core exercise:
• Lie on your back with your knees bent (A). Keep your back in a neutral position, not arched and not pressed into the floor. Avoid tilting your hips. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
• Raise your right leg off the floor so that your knee and hip are bent at 90-degree angles. Rest your right hand on top of your right knee (B).
• Push your hand against your knee while using your abdominal muscles to pull your knee toward your hand. Keep your arm straight. Hold for three deep breaths.
• Return to the start position and repeat using your left hand and left knee.
To work various core muscles in combination, try a bridge:
• Lie on your back with your knees bent (A). Keep your back in a neutral position, not arched and not pressed into the floor. Avoid tilting your hips. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
• Raise your hips off the floor until your hips are aligned with your knees and shoulders (B). Hold for three deep breaths.
• Return to the start position and repeat.
Abdominal crunch
Abdominal crunch
Abdominal crunches are a classic core exercise:
• Lie on your back and place your feet on a wall so that your knees and hips are bent at 90-degree angles. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
• Raise your head and shoulders off the floor. To avoid straining your neck, cross your arms on your chest rather than locking them behind your head. Hold for three deep breaths.
• Return to the start position and repeat
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